Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome to My New URL

My URL has changed! It is http://musingsofthemonroefamily.blogspot.com
It is no longer http://lantytracey.blogspot.com

I have been wanting to do this for a while, and from what I've read this should not affect my followers. You will need to manually update the URL in your blog reading list and/or re-do the RSS feed. I do hope you tag along!

When I first start blogging, I had NO IDEA what I was doing when I made my URL. Now the URL finally matches the name of the blog!! It is hard to believe that in 4 months I will have been blogging for TWO YEARS! I am so blessed by this blog and this continues to be such a wonderful experience.

I will be back soon to update with a new post! In the meantime, please leave me a comment if you have ANY problems with the new URL.


Picture Credit: Microsoft Clip Art


Eileen said...

Will your old posts still be available when you switch or do they go away? Congrats on 2 years :)

Tracey M. said...

From what I can tell, it will be a pretty seamless change with just the web address being different and everything else remaining intact. I'm only changing the URL, not deleting the blog. The only problem will be for people who don't check this frequently and then all of a sudden the http://lantytracey.blogspot.com won't work anymore and there is no redirect from what I can figure out so far.

Tea said...

Can't wait to keep following along with you!!!

Tracey M. said...

I was able to figure out a way to put up a link at the old site so that followers are redirected to the new site. Thanks to my blogging friend Tea, who just did a blog move herself!

sara said...

Congrats on your two years.

Tracey M. said...

Thank you Sara!!

Melissa said...

Hi Tracey. I found you through a comment on another blog. I wanted to ask you about Setting Captives Free study The Lord's Table. I am doing it now and have been trying to find other people who have been through it. If you have the time and want to email me that would be great :) Thanks!!

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