Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A blog award...

I am the recipient of this blog award!
My blog friend Tea over at Homemaker's Heart (myhomemakersheart.blogspot.com) sent it to me. I was surprised since I've never had a blog award. So the rules are, in accepting it I need to tell 7 random things about myself:

1. My mission in life is to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and to love my neighbor as myself.

2. I am SUPER blessed to be a stay at home mother to an adorable 2 year old boy and our life is an adventure every day.

3. I'm thinking of getting my hair cut real short (now it's shoulder length) but I'm a bit nervous about it.

4. Just started selling things on EBay and finding that I like to do it.

5. Am really happy that I finally have some mom friends who I can go on play dates with, to the park, picnics, etc.

6. I love watching my husband with our son; reading books to him, wrestling with him, playing catch with him.

7. I love to read.

This was fun!


Tea said...

Tracy, thanks for sharing more about you! :)

I am always really nervous about big changes with my hair. The good thing is, it can always grow back, but it's still scary to take the leap and do something different. It's great that you have mom friends to do things with. It seems like you've been really intentional about getting involved in things...something I should probably work on more. I get nervous around people I don't know and I'm kind of shy.

Tracey M. said...

I know what you mean! I am fine thinking of things to talk about with people I know, but with new people it's so hard for me. I get nervous too but I forced myself so I could meet other moms. We'll have to see if I get the nerve to cut my hair!

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