After breakfast yesterday we watched a little video. Julian kept saying what sounded like "chain, chain" but then I figured out he meant "train". He wanted to watch the Thomas the Train DVD we got from the library. It was a nice change from watching mostly Elmo.
My study of David continued with 1 Samuel 24. Saul comes into a cave (to relieve himself of all things) and didn't know David and his men were in the same cave. David came up behind him so close that he could have gotten his revenge and killed him but instead cuts off a piece of his robe. Yet even though to me this seemed a small thing, he felt convicted that he was wrong that he should not raise his hand against God's anointed king. Beth Moore talked about how the Holy Spirit uses our conscience to bring about conviction. How we need to yield to the spirit or often we will fight admitting our wrong and continue in the behavior that distances us from the Lord. When we listen to the Holy Spirit, says Beth, God will bring blessing for our obedience. David obeyed (by not acting out his revenge) out of respect for God, not out of respect for Saul.
We took a trip to Target in the afternoon. We went through the frozen section and Julian says "Cookie Monster" and it turns out there were frozen dinners with Elmo and Cookie Monster (yea for marketing) so of course I got him an Elmo meal. We were checking out and Julian would say "hi" to the cashier and when he said hi back Julian would say it again. The lady behind us chimes in saying that she remembers Julian from before, the one who was saying hi to everyone. I told her that Culver's is wanting him to come work as a greeter. (Cute joke of one of their employees who Julian kept saying hi to.) After shopping Julian did a bit of "coloring" before taking his nap. He wanted his hat so I put it on him while he colored.
Last night I must have been a little out of it because I kept spacing things out. We went to our small group from church that gets together and I forgot a bag I literally had in my hand before walking out and must have set it down. Then I almost left Julian up with our babysitter but it hit me that I needed to put him down for the night since we were leaving at his bedtime (big space out). Then I left some food out overnight too. Just was a little off I guess.
This morning we went to our MOPS group. On the way I was teaching Julian to say "mops". Leaving him in the nursery didn't go well. He cried and cried which was odd since he normally cries a little but calms down pretty quickly. The caretakers were great with it though so I went ahead and joined our group. He ended up calming down. We're reading a book called "Groovy Girls" which is a bible study written by a local missionary. Originally it was written for high school/college age women but one of the ladies in our group brought the idea and we went from there since there is so much that applies generally. Later on the way home Julian had fun saying "mops, mops".
Julian continues in his love of books. He even reads a book while I'm changing his diaper! That must be a cute picture. Julian continues to be a step ahead of me with his words. It took me a couple times but I figured out what he was asking for was a book titled Splash Sounds but it was really hard to make out.
Julian was having a rough time tonight. The littlest thing would set him off crying like having to wait for his chicken fries to cool down before eating. That caused a big fuss. Later we went to the YMCA and dropped him off in the nursery and he was just fine. No crying like the big scene we had in the morning. I don't get it! Maybe he doesn't like the MOPS group. On our way out a worker whom I hadn't seen in months saw Julian and was so exited to see him walking and talking, saying hi and bye to her. Every time we saw her before she'd try to get Julian to wave to her when he was just learning waving.
I'm looking forward to our playgroup tomorrow at Blackhawk. Julian and I both usually have a good time there. Will write more tomorrow.
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