Thursday was a really busy day, so I didn't get to blog about it until today. In the morning, we went to our Titus play group. There was a very small turnout, about 1/4 of the moms who usually come. Julian was so excited when they brought out the basketballs. It was very laid back.
When I got home I had just enough time to feed Julian, eat my own lunch and then my babysitter Dave came so I could go to my women's bible study. It is really a blessing to have this group, even though the faces are changing a lot. Some who used to come aren't anymore and then there are new people I don't know yet. This is one event I go to every week that is something I do for me. I really need the fellowship time with other women to recharge my batteries during the week. We discussed the Proverbs 31 woman. Many people felt the same that it is really hard not to feel down on yourself when you look at all the qualities of this woman. Strength, dignity, up when it's dark, wisdom, not idle, trustworthy. Bettye who leads the group suggested we pick one quality that we are weak in and begin to focus on that, bringing it to God in reflection and prayer seeing what actions we can start to take. I think one of mine would be to look at "she speaks with wisdom". I confess a struggle with what comes out of my mouth. Harshness of tone, sometimes bad words, critical words, words said out of impatience. These are all things I would like to invite the Lord in to bring change. Please pray that I commit to doing this! I also made a commitment in a past blog to take some time to go through my possessions and see what I can give to bless others. I haven't done that yet.
When I got home I took Julian to McKee Farms again, it was so beautiful outside! He had a little less energy today so he didn't do as much climbing. We spent more time on the swings and just walking around the kids area.
After Julian's nap we went to a Maundy Thursday service at our church. Our pastor shared that maundy actually comes from the Passover dinner that Jesus had with the disciples. He gave a new command, to love one another (John 13:34). Maundy is derived from that command. The service was beautiful. They had candles around the whole front of the church and stage area with really subdued light. The focus was on having communion and taking time to just be with the Lord. I was really touched and moved. Really just overwhelmed with a fresh remembrance of his grace & healing particularly from the long depression and time of despair I had after my son was born. This was a time I wanted to be rejoicing yet I was in the grip of depression and anxiety like nothing I had ever experienced before.(See post from Feb. 20.) My heart tonight was just filled with thanks for the sacrifice Jesus made for us, for me that set me free.
We had dinner at a place called Cafe Porte Alba, an authentic Italian restaurant. It was such a nice time. Our French friends from church invited us and his parents who were visiting from France treated us. Julian got restless at times so I'm glad I had his coloring book with crayons. Then our friend also took him to watch them cook the pizzas which they do right out in the open.
This was certainly a full day.
This morning, we went to the Verona library for our Toddler Time class. This was supposed to be the first day but because of an Easter egg hunt they weren't holding it but hadn't told us. We went to the YMCA instead and I had a great workout where I really pushed myself on the treadmill.
A good part of the afternoon was spent playing with a new set of (used) Hotwheels cars and trucks I found online. We also spent some time playing ball oustide.
The highlight of today was watching the second half of The Passion of the Christ (I went through the first part earlier). I like to watch it every year during holy week. It is so powerful. This movie makes what I read in the bible so real to me. I can't put into words the way it ministers to me seeing this and getting a fresh realization of the cost of my salvation. The agony and suffering and unfathomable love that brought Jesus to the cross. It also makes me think of the depths of my own sin, before I knew him and even now and how incredible it is to have all my sins washed away by his blood. By coming to him, repenting, and being restored. The song "Oh how I love Jesus" just popped into my head. It is so true!
I think I'll end on that note. We're going to visit my family this weekend for Easter which should be a really nice time with my sisters and nieces and nephews.
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