Yesterday we had our first park date of our Titus mom's group. We're no longer meeting in the church gym, but meeting at various parks around the city. I was the "host" which meant I picked the park and got there early to welcome people. We met at McKee Farms. It was nice meeting some new moms and this time I let J do more running around on his own and was able to have more conversations. An older boy, Steffano, was helping keep an eye on him. We had fun until 4 school buses full of older kids came and so most of us left since the kids were too rowdy for our little ones. It ended up being close to lunch time.
I got together with my women's bible study group to review Ecclesiastes chapter 4. The highlight for me was where the author says enjoyment does not come from possessions or riches. Nor does it come from companionship, popularity or fame. It comes by knowing the living God and taking everything from his hand with thanksgiving, whether pain or pleasure. I do believe God controls what comes into your life. So I need to remember that what's happening is happening because God allowed it, so there must be some way he's going to use it for my good (Romans 8:28).
When I got home, it was pretty warm so I got on J's suit and we went in his pool for the first time. We played with his water toys and then he was asking me to sit with him but I didn't have on my suit. I decided I'd put it on and I brought a few balls into the pool too. Soon after that he was wanting to go back inside.
For my devotional time, I finished reading Luke 9. I had a thought. I was thinking how when I read about David so often I was really moved and so in awe of his relationship and devotedness to God. Yet I'm noticing that I'm not having that experience in this study. I think part of it is that I just really can't fathom all the miracles Jesus is doing. I'm reading and it's like, oh-he did another miracle. Not, wow-this is so moving and incredible to think of someone blind regaining their sight! Like verse 43 And they were all amazed at the greatness of God. I want to be amazed. In my reading, the disciples were arguing over who among them was the greatest. We see how very human they are. Here, Beth says that the road to greatness is through humility. That is an area I could grow for sure. Beth says that God wants us to get beyond the "self" stuff; self pity, self indulgence, self absorption, self exaltation. This is a daily challenge.
For dinner, we were meeting friends at a pizza place. They have been raising money as missionaries and are soon moving to Malawi, Africa so we wanted to treat them. J kept saying "pizza pizza" while waiting for daddy to get home. He loves pizza so he ate well and then did a lot of coloring so we were able to hang out for a couple hours and he actually stayed content in his high chair. We played outside for a little bit when we got home but it was getting dark.
This morning, we had a play date at my friend Joan's with her daughter and Heather and her daughter whose birthday was today. Our kids are all in the turning two stage. It was a good opportunity for them to practice sharing as they all wanted what the other one was playing with. J kept going into Joan's daughter's room and bringing out more and more toys. Heather made the cutest little monkey face cupcakes which the kids loved. As we were getting ready to leave J found a musical barn toy magnet and started dancing to the songs then the girls started dancing too. It was so cute watching all three of them dance together. When we got home, for some reason I got my nerve to cut my hair short. I just was ready. So I got my hair cutting scissors and cut probably 4 or 5 inches off. It feels much cooler so I think it'll be good for summer.
We ended up futzing around before and after lunch so we didn't do much outside in the afternoon but ran to the store, stopped at a garage sale and made a stop at the library. It was pretty cute at the library, J made a friend of an older girl. She kept asking him to watch her puppet show but he didn't want to sit so she ended up reading him a couple books while they sat in a chair together. She'd just make up the words from the pictures.
In my devotional time, I started Luke 10. Jesus sent out 72 disciples to teach and heal. Beth shares that often our work for the Lord is done not by ourselves, but in fellowship with others. The disciples came back elated by all they were able to do for Christ, but he corrects them saying they should instead rejoice that their names are written in heaven. In other words, the greatest cause we have for joy is not what we do but who we are, children of the living God. She says dare to do what he's calling you to do. Often I'll get these ideas of blessing someone in a specific way, but then I end up for one reason or another not doing it. I see how I rob myself of the opportunity not only to share joy, but to receive it by giving of myself.
During J's nap, I was blogging and lost track of time. By the time I looked at the clock it was 5 minutes until L gets home from work and I hadn't made dinner! Oops. I ended up making grilled cheese but J was in a funky mood and cried most of dinner, not eating much. He perked up once I said we could go outside to play. Tonight, he was using my golf club to hit some plastic golf balls around the driveway. Then he had fun throwing balls into his pool. Before bed, I gave him a bath but he still hates getting his hair and face wet. He cries and gets so upset yet all I can do is go fast. Hoping there will be no carryover, I tried to get him excited about swimming tomorrow. Then daddy came up and did the rest of tucking him in for the night. I'm looking forward to the longer weekend. So far we planned a date night tomorrow night and then L goes golfing Sunday so maybe J and I will have a play date.
I love the things you shared about your studies! I hope you have a great time on your date night! I know we always look forward to those. I'm really glad you like your haircut! (I always cut my own hair too.)
I had to laugh when you said you got your swimming suit on to get in the pool with your little guy and then he was ready to go in.. isn't that how it always is. ;)
Your comments are such a blessing! I love how we keep finding out things we have in common, not many people I know cut their own hair. It's just easier for me than trying to find someone (not to mention free!) Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
Thanks Tracey! I feel the same way. My hair is really curly and the few times I've had it cut by a professional, they try to treat it like straight hair, which doesn't work at all and makes me look really bad. Plus, it is nice not to have to spend money on it.
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