Lately, J has been waking me up calling out my name until I come to his room. It used to be me waking up, taking a shower and going in to check if he was awake. Now I have to find a way to keep him busy so I can shower before we eat. Just a little change in routine. This morning he wanted me to read a Big Bird book right when he got up. I was holding him later and he points to my shirt and says "mommy green" then points to his shirt and says "J green" (we were both wearing green shirts). I love seeing him pick up on these things.
In my quiet time, Luke 22 continues with Jesus being arrested. After Jesus was arrested comes Peter's denial. Peter was adamant and repeatedly denied even knowing Christ. Irony-Peter willing to kill for Christ (drew sword, struck and cut off a man's ear), but not willing to die for him. Christ called him to follow at all costs. Being embarrassed or ashamed of our faith, Beth says, leaves room for denial of the Lord. We can probably all relate to Peter Beth says for making choices that denied Jesus. The scene with Peter ends with a soul-piercing look from Jesus; the Lord looked straight at Peter after his denials. Peter was devastated and wept bitterly. This actually shows us his true heart for Jesus. Although he denied knowing him, he was crushed by what he did and shows it in intense weeping.
In the afternoon, we headed down to State Street to visit a video store we went to frequently last summer. This was the first time in several months we stopped in. I always enjoy walking down State Street. There are so many different types of people and neat shops you pass by. Later after J's nap, we went to the Y for a workout. I was struggling with not wanting to work out but it was a good time to practice doing what you don't like to do to build discipline. It did end up being a decent workout too. In the car after, we were listening to Bob Dylan and he played his harmonica. J says "What's that?" I explained it and he learned a new word. Ever time the harmonica would come on he'd say the word over and over (har-mikah) all excited. We then went out to Perkins with our friend Brad from our old church. Some time ago, J had moved up to a booster seat but I'm starting to think we need to go back to the high chair. It seemed I spent most of my time getting him to sit down! He was in a testing mood too as he had crayons to color and kept turning around to color on the seat but would peek to see if I was watching. He had a little counting milestone on the changing table in the bathroom. On the instructions were two little babies and he pointed to them saying "mommy, there's 2 babies - 1, 2". He's never counted on his own like that.
Today, Joan invited us over for a play date. Heather's mom was in town so she and Wren couldn't go. It was just J and Olivia. J seemed more rambunctious and even a bit more aggressive than normal (trying to climb their TV, hitting the blinds on their door, being more aggressive with the toys between he and Olivia). Even though I felt like I was saying no constantly to J, Joan and I were still able to enjoy some good conversation which is so nice. When we got home, we had some lunch and then went grocery shopping. J brought his Sal the Fire Dog book which he really enjoyed while we shopped. It went really smooth. He was helping me put things away but then I noticed the bags getting emptier and yet he hadn't been giving anything to me. I checked the living room and found he had started stacking some frozen food in there and was laying on the paper bags. It was a hint that it was time for a nap.
In my devotional, I started the final section of Jesus the One and Only by Beth Moore. I like the invitation Beth gives to her readers for this final part to not just read about Jesus and the crucifixion, but to live it with him. To hear the nails, the cries. I finished Luke 22 and started Luke 23. His last breath. Here Jesus is mocked and beaten by the guards who arrested him. The elders and chief priests accused him of inciting a rebellion. They took him to Pontius Pilate who found in him no wrong. Beth liked the response that Jesus had when he was asked, "Are you then the Son of God?" And he said "You are right in saying that I am." She shares how Jesus echoes the I Am statements of God in the Old Testament. The religious leaders gave Jesus over to Pilate because they wanted him dead. That is serious hatred. He was then sent to King Herod who also found nothing. He was sent back to Pilate. He offered a severe beating as punishment several times but the religious leaders would not be satisfied until his death. Mark 15:10 says that it was out of envy that they handed him over. Pilate who was under so much pressure finally caved in and issued the order to crucify him. The King of Kings, the Light of the World, Emmanuel was stripped, mocked, beaten, spat upon and flogged. Now he is sentenced to execution by crucifixion.
At dinner time, J was still napping so I peeked in his room to find him awake. He said "I want to sleep mommy." I let him lay in his crib for a bit and then got him up. He came close to melting down a few times during dinner, but I seemed to be able to redirect him by not giving a lot of attention to his upset and just continuing with our meal. Afterward, we all went for a neighborhood walk and spent some time at the park. We met a nice couple who moved here from India and their adorable daughter. We stayed a while and when we got home it was time to put J to bed.
1 comment:
That's so neat that he counted on his own and noticed that you were both wearing green! It sounds like you've been having some nice days! :)
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