Wow, I am tired! What a day. This ended up being a mixed blessing day. It was definitely more challenging than normal and more draining too. I'm going to try and keep it short so I can get some R&R!
Daddy has an earlier schedule this week so we were solo for breakfast again. Nothing really noteworthy about waffles and strawberries. This was a blessing though, knowing now what comes later in the day. After breakfast, we joined our friend and her son at the Verona library for story time. It was nice. There was play time after and I'm having to watch Julian a lot closer since he's more aggressive now. We went to Culver's after and lunch was fine up until Julian hurt his finger. I felt awful. We came out of the bathroom and all of a sudden I hear him screaming. He had gotten his finger caught in the door! It even broke the skin around his nail and he cried and cried, it was so hard on my heart. I wasn't prepared for how much I would hurt as he hurts. The staff were nice and brought us a couple band aids. We left soon after that.
On our way home, he asked to go to the park so we stopped off. His finger seemed to be doing OK. He loves hanging out on the jungle gym. There were a few kids running around though and one of them knocked him down. I had to talk to him about being careful since it really upset Julian. His mom came over and had a strong talk with him too. It was really windy and the wind was pretty cold so we left soon after. We did some coloring and markers. Then we went outside and I did some more garden prepping and cleaning of the back porch while Julian played.
He took a good nap before dinner but woke up pretty groggy. This ended up being the hardest part of the day. I was finishing dinner and Julian wouldn't let daddy comfort him, he kept wanting me to hold him. Even if I held him a few and then set him down he still wouldn't stop crying saying "mommy, mommy". I tried to interest him in food and when he started to throw it on the floor while crying I decided to take a breather and let him calm down in his crib. When he got up he was back in good spirits and was about to get in his chair when he slipped and bumped his head on the floor. It just wasn't his day! This started the crying all over again and it took so long to finally calm him down. I agreed to let him eat waffles just to get some food in him and end the crying. We definitely experienced some fall out in not having his morning nap. He ended up going to bed well and even played a little hide and seek with me.
I finished 2Samuel 24 today and read more on the Proverbs 31 woman. What really comes across is how her family is her number one priority. This definitely resounded with me as I reviewed the verses of the various ways she provides for them and works hard. Verse 27 really sums it up. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. What a great reminder about honoring God with you work by not being idle. I was also blessed today by a fellow blogger who shared a beautiful song on her blog today. It was Your Hands by J.J. Heller. To listen to it go to
Now I get to wind down and relax after a challenging day.
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