It turned out to be a beautiful day today. It is reminding me just how near spring really is. I can't wait to be spending more of our time outside and going with Julian to the parks.
Today I spent time in 1 Samuel 5-6. As a fulfillment of God's promise to David, the elders of Israel came together to acknowledge David being chosen by God to be their leader and they anointed him as king. He was 30 years old and had a 40 year reign. It says he became more and more powerful because the Lord God Almighty was with him. It seems there is always some time of battle going on and this time it was with the Philistines again. They came to attack and again David sought wisdom from the Lord asking if he should attack. The Lord said yes, that he would give them over to David. When they were successful, they brought out the ark of the covenant. There was celebration and dancing and singing.
After a doctor's appointment, Julian and I spent our time outside. He was busy with sidewalk chalk and pushing the shovel around while I used the ice chopper and chopped away at a heap of ice in our driveway. We went to return the chopper to our neighbor where we borrowed it and Julian ended up walking right into their house. They invited us in and they got to know Julian a little bit.
Julian got a package in the mail today so I waited until he got up from his nap to have him open it. He said "present?" and we pulled out a little Elmo from the package from my sister Amy's family. Right away he starts pressing its tummy saying "noise?" looking for Elmo to talk! I told him this one has no noise. So far every Elmo toy we have makes noise (we have 3 Elmo toys and a talking Elmo potty). So he's used to Elmo talking.
Before bedtime, we did a little coloring and playing with his music set. Since it's Friday daddy put him to bed and I got to hop on here early (at 8:00). Now I'll have a nice chunk of time to do some reading and relaxing.
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