I'm continuing to read A Place of Quiet Rest in the morning as I have time. I really liked the part I read today, especially after the day we had yesterday. Today her (Nancy Leigh DeMoss) focus was on restoration of our souls (Psalm 23). Just thinking about that is refreshing to me. Probably because I've felt that weariness of soul many times before, and know what renewal comes with the restoration. It's not just resting, but resting in Him. In all of us there is a deep spiritual hunger and we need spiritual food to fill it. Time in prayer, study, worship, quiet reflection. That's where I find it. It's a good reminder to slow down even if the pace around us is hectic, to make the time to allow Him to refresh and restore us. (I have to take my own advice!)
We had the radio on this morning and Julian came up to me pulling my hand. I wasn't sure what he was doing until he said "dance, mommy". He wanted me to get up and dance with him! How adorable.
It's hard to believe I'm coming to the end of the story of David. Today in 1Kings 1 David is very old and frail. His son Adonijah is appointing himself king without David's knowledge. Those close to him (the prophet Nathan, Bathsheba) warn him so he swears on oath to Bathsheba with others listening that their son Solomon shall be king. David even in his old age made all the plans and preparations. Solomon was anointed as king and he took his seat upon the royal throne. As I was reflecting on what today's word was teaching me, I was thinking about David's old age and how fleeting our lives really are. Many times I hear to live each day to the fullest (Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12.) How many of us really do that? I'll be first to admit I get comfortable in the day to day routines of life and often don't think about it. It was good to stop and reflect on that.
It was so beautiful today, we had to spend some time outside. I put together some food and Julian and I had a little picnic in the back yard. After lunch, we headed to McKee Farms which is a 60 acre park 10 minutes from our house. Julian is finally big enough to go on the kids play structure and he enjoyed it a lot. When we were leaving he got to see a couple fire trucks racing down the street, he was excited about that.
Tonight our small group got together to help some families in the area with groceries. We met at the food pantry and worked together to pick out the groceries and get them ready. Julian got to join us and most of the time he had fun just watching everyone. Our friend played hide and seek and chase with him and he just loved it. He'd squeal with laughter every time she popped out and surprised him.